Engage in meta-discourse with AI about its impact on your future
Understand the biases and limitations of AI when projecting into the future
Use your intuition to counter AI-generated “truth”
- This lesson will require anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes to complete, depending on the depth of discussion, the complexity of chosen career pathways, and the time allocated for analysis and reflection activities. The exercises are primarily designed for high school students who will be applying to college soon, though they can be adapted for undergraduates who are contemplating the future of AI and its impact on careers.
- Students will need access to a search-connected GPT tool. It is recommended to use Perplexity.ai for this workshop. Additionally, providing access to academic databases or career exploration tools such as LinkedIn Learning or O*NET can enhance their research and analysis.
- Test the prompts and tools on a range of career pathways or areas of interest before using them with students.
- Start with an introduction in the form of a discussion-based thinking routine such as “Think, Pair, Share” focused on the following prompt: “What do you think AI means for your future? What gives you hope? What are you worried about? What do you wonder about?”
- [Optional] Engage with the World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs Report 2023.” Ask students to “Think, Pair, Share” on the top skills projected for future employment. Which skills are they already developing in their learning? Which seem new? How many connections can they make?
Future Careers Intelligence
- Introduce students to Perplexity.ai (free mode, no accounts) as a GPT-powered search.
- Remind students that they should not put personally identifiable or sensitive information into AI tools.
- Set the stage. Using Perplexity.ai, students can generate links and lines of inquiry for the implications and opportunities of AI in their chosen fields.
- Share the following prompt with students. Ask them to copy and paste it into the search box and edit for their areas of interest:
I am a high school student applying for universities, and I am concerned about the impact that AI might have on my chosen courses and future career pathways. I want you to act as an industry intelligence analyst and provide resources and advice that will help me prepare for the future of my career, in relation to potential careers, necessary skills, and possible opportunities. Present your findings in the form of a brief analysis, along with a table of potential impacts and mitigations. Conclude with a section on recommendations for how I can prepare for university statements and interviews, as well as a list of possible alternative careers related to the field that are going to be enhanced by AI. Provide reliable references for your findings. My chosen career pathway is [AREAS OF INTEREST].
If students are unsure about their chosen career pathway, they can adjust the prompt above with the following conclusion:
…I’m not sure about a specific career pathway, but some things I am interested in are [AREAS OF INTEREST]. Based on these interests, generate 3 potential career pathways I could consider, and how AI might affect these respectively. - Response evaluation:
- Read and critically evaluate the responses given by Perplexity.
- How do you know they are reliable? What are the limitations of the sources? What values do these responses espouse?
- Check the sources provided by Perplexity. Are they reliable?
- Open and read the sources you find interesting. Bookmark the sources you want to return to.
- Make notes:
- What are some opportunities and skills related to your chosen field of study that might be impacted by AI? What new skills are now in demand because of AI? What kind of skills are at risk of being replaced or supplemented by AI?
- What are some new opportunities or ideas you had not considered before?
- Continue the thread with follow-up questions based on the sources provided. Set an action plan by having students make notes on what they need to know more about, including things they had not considered before, and keep a record of their findings and research.
- Prompt the AI to generate an action plan for how to achieve success in their chosen career pathway. This should be based on the student’s notes on what they had not previously considered (i.e., new skills they may need to learn). The students can then use this action plan moving forward when preparing university applications, applying for internships, setting career goals, and making informed decisions about additional learning opportunities or skill development.
- Facilitate a “Connect, Extend, Challenge” exercise in pairs or small groups.
- What connections have students made with their prior knowledge? Did the information they find contradict their previous understanding on the topic?
- How has this research extended their understanding of the implications and opportunities of AI in relation to their areas of interest?
- How does this research challenge their future planning? How will they make use of this learning to support their career planning and/or university applications?
“Future of Jobs Report 2023,” World Economic Forum
“The State of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s Breakout Year,” Quantum Black, AI by McKinsey