We are at an inflection point in the development of AI tools —
who will decide what capabilities are developed, by whom, and to what end?

We believe it is crucial for all educators, including those in

non-technical fields, to contribute to these conversations—
to surface questions about what it means to be human,
to bring critical and historical perspectives to AI,

and to revisit the goals of education, now, and in the future.

About the Project

How do we make informed, intentional decisions about the role of AI in the classroom? How can students develop critical relationships with these tools? How can imaginative applications of AI technologies enhance learning? The AI Pedagogy Project helps educators engage their students in conversations about the capabilities and limitations of AI informed by hands-on experimentation. 

Educators, academic administrators, and even parents at many levels of education are concerned and curious about AI. High school teachers may want to check out the Quickstart Resources section for high school educators. We also recommend Part 1: AI Starter for all educators and others, including K12 and higher ed.

All assignments in this collection, which will continue to grow over time, were created by educators. Please customize them to your own pedagogical values and classroom needs. If you’re new to these tools (or want to learn more), check out our AI Guide, which has essential information to help you get started.

The AI Pedagogy Project was created by the metaLAB (at) Harvard within the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. We have consulted with numerous colleagues, students, and experts in creating this resource. In addition to those who submitted new assignments, we would like to thank the educators who publicly published their materials elsewhere, which permitted us to find them and include them on this site.

Our Values

We believe that regardless of discipline or technical background, every educator should be equipped to consider how AI will affect their teaching, their discipline, and their students. Now more than ever, there is a need for collaboration and exchange between technical fields and the liberal arts. Our values include:

Critical: We aim to deliver critical and insightful content that considers diverse perspectives. We think carefully about the implications of AI and approach it responsibly. We avoid political bias to the extent possible while acknowledging that technologies are not value-neutral. We do not assume AI tools are necessarily a value-add or that they belong in all educational settings.

Ethical: When engaging with AI and considering its potential, we foreground the significant negative impacts it has, many of which are unevenly distributed across populations. We aim to contextualize use of these tools, giving weight to impacts that span representation, bias, the environment, worker exploitation, privacy and surveillance, and more.

Evolving: AI technologies are developing at a rapid pace, and there is a need for educators to continually adapt their approaches. We aim to keep this collection of resources up to date with the latest technological and pedagogical considerations.

Experimental: All of us are learning. No one has all the answers. We aim to continuously experiment, iterate, reassess, and revise. We prioritize humility and honesty in our exploration, focusing on ideas rather than pushing ideologies.

Imaginative: Generative AI technologies have the potential to push our thinking and expand our communication in interesting ways. Let’s harness these tools as educators to support our creative exploration.

Inclusive: We aim to accommodate users with varying educational, geographic, and technical backgrounds while avoiding oversimplification. We aim to spotlight a diversity of educators and forms of knowledge. Our primary audience for this site is post-secondary educators, but anyone is welcome to use and adapt anything here that they find useful.

Former Team Members

Jonathan Chinen (Researcher, 2023)
Kathleen Esfahany (Researcher, 2023-2024)
Eri Kostina (Researcher & Designer, 2023-2024)
Austin Ledzian (Product Manager, 2023)
Bereket Nigussie (Researcher, 2023)


If you are interested in learning more, offering feedback, or just saying hi, please reach out to [email protected].


Site design by Austin Ledzian, logo and branding design by Juliana Castro-Varón, and web development by Sebastian Rodriguez.

We’d also like to thank the following colleagues and friends for offering feedback on the beta version of this site: Audrey Chang, Maggie Chen, Maya Indira Ganesh, Johan Malmstedt, Tomo Nagashima, Sejin Paik, and Teddy Svoronos. To learn more about the images used on our site, see our Image Credits.