Creative and critical engagement with AI in education

A collection of assignments and materials for educators curious about how AI affects their students and their syllabi

AI Guide

Focused on the essentials and written to be accessible to a newcomer, this interactive guide will give you the background you need to feel more confident with engaging in conversations about AI in your classroom.


These assignments are designed to spark informed conversation about the risks, benefits, and potential impacts of AI tools. They are sourced from educators around the world, often revised or expanded for the purposes of this collection (the original source links are included).

This is an evolving collection. Sign up for our newsletter to get a heads-up when we add more!

Thank you to the educators who are credited in this collection. Please cite the source when using or adapting one of these assignments.

Illustrate a Hoax

Explore the potential for AI image-generation tools (e.g., DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, etc.) to corroborate false narratives, or provide “evidence” that would be characterized as misinformation.


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