Subject Ethics & Philosophy

AI, the Future, and You

Explore AI’s potential impact on future careers through critical reflection, skill discovery, and strategic planning.

Generative AI and Stasis Theory

Use Generative AI to update and enhance engagement with a classical rhetorical heuristic–the four questions of Stasis Theory–effective for developing an argument by locating the issue or dispute in a case.

AI in Teachers’ Hands

Reflect on the impact and ethics of a teacher submitting an AI-generated reference letter without the student’s knowledge or consent.

AI Image Remixing

Work with an AI image mixer tool to explore the possibilities and limits of creative collaboration.

Illustrate a Hoax

Painting of a landscape with figures cut out
Explore the potential for AI image-generation tools (e.g., DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, etc.) to corroborate false narratives, or provide “evidence” that would be characterized as misinformation.

AI as a Mirror

Illustration of someone holding a mirror in front of someone else
Is it possible to learn about oneself through dialog with a chatbot? What would be required to get there? What would that mean (psychologically, philosophically, and ethically)? Do we understand where self-knowledge comes from?

AI Validation

Paper doll cutouts from The Sunday Times-Herald
Students evaluate an LLM’s “reasoning” to clarify their own understanding of how to solve a problem.