AI, the Future, and You

Explore AI’s potential impact on future careers through critical reflection, skill discovery, and strategic planning.

How to Train Your AI Dragon

Empower educators to craft innovative activities by training AI tools to enhance student learning outcomes, generate educational content, and design evaluation methods.

A Truth, a Lie, and a Blurry Line

Explore the problems and possibilities posed by synthetic images created with generative artificial intelligence, focusing specifically on the relationship between photography and reality.

Demystifying AI Hype

Teach students to think critically about the rhetoric surrounding generative AI by interacting with the AI Hype Wall of Shame.

AI Image Remixing

Work with an AI image mixer tool to explore the possibilities and limits of creative collaboration.
Two birds in suits sitting at a desk working

AI Misinformation Campaign

Guide students to misuse AI for a misinformation campaign in order to expose AI’s shortcomings and threats while encouraging them to think critically about persuasion, appeals in composition, and credibility.
Painting of a landscape with figures cut out

Illustrate a Hoax

Explore the potential for AI image-generation tools (e.g., DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, etc.) to corroborate false narratives, or provide “evidence” that would be characterized as misinformation.